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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Have any comments or suggestion? kindly juz write down here (",)

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Watch what is happening in front of you. If someone else is cutting, don’t cut. Look behind you. If someone else is cutting, don’t cut. If the coast is clear, go for it.

Of course, if everyone does this and sees that no one is cutting, they will all cut at once. If you think you have the best opportunity, keep going. If a teammate has a better cut, pull out.

Avoid the herd instinct. Cutting is like buying stocks: if you can figure out what will happen next before anyone else does, you’ve got it made.

Watch what is happening. If you see someone else cut, evaluate their chances of getting the disc. If you think they won’t get it, stay put and wait for them to clear out.

If you think they will get the disc, cut to where they will want to throw. Time the cut so you are open after they have caught the disc and are ready to throw. If you can predict the future, no one, not your teammates, not the defence- no one -will get in your way.

Where to Cut: Five Good Cuts to Make

1) Simple, Short Cuts
Run at your defender, fake one way, then run the other way.

This will usually work if you do three things. First, fake hard. Take a hard step in the fake direction. Step like you are going to run so hard that way that the defender is going to look silly if they don’t catch up.

Second, turn hard. After you plant that foot on the fake, use all of your muscles to tear yourself in the opposite direction.

Third, run fast. Run as fast as you can in a straight line to a spot where the thrower can easily hit you. If you don’t get the disc, run as fast as you can to the back of the stack.

This works best if you fake to the break-force side then run to the open side.

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Good Catching Habits
1)Use two hands. Get your hands on either side of the disc and smack them together like a trap.

Side View of Pancake Catch

Bottom View of Pancake Catch

2)Keep your eyes on the disc. (Keep your eyes open.) See how it is spinning and get a sense of its speed. Watch it come into your hands. Watch your hands squeeze it.
3)Think positive. As the disc comes to you, visualize yourself catching it. Feel confident.
4)Come to the disc. Keep running towards the disc until it is in your hands. Otherwise the defence will jump in front of you and steal it.

Catching Hammers
Hammers are a special case because they fly upside down and in a looping path. The way to get good at catching hammers is to practice catching hammers. Catch high loopy ones, low straight ones, wild ones, short ones, long ones… When you can anticipate where a hammer is going, you will have a better chance of catching it.

When catching upside down throws, adjust your hand to the position of the disc. If you have to use one hand, put it out palm-up. When the disc floats onto your palm, lock your thumb down over the rim.

This does not apply to situations where the disc is above your head. It is much easier to catch high throws with your palm facing down.

Reading the Disc
When someone puts up a high and/or long throw, catching it requires the receiver to figure out where the disc is going. This is called reading the disc.
If you see a huck or a floating hammer, run to where you think the disc is going. Where it goes depends on the velocity of the disc, its angle in the air, and what type of throw it is.
The first thing to read is the velocity of the disc. This will give you a general idea of where the disc is going. You will know if you have to sprint or can go at a more leisurely pace.
While you are running, take a look at the angle of the disc. If it is angled, then run to the side that it is dipping towards. The disc will curve most severely when it is angled at 45 degrees. Steeper than this, and the disc will slice towards the ground without too much of a curve. Flatter than this, and the curve will be influenced by the direction of the disc’s spin.

Because forehands and backhands spin in opposite directions, the next thing you should know is the type of throw. Forehands curve to the right as they slow. Backhands curve to the left. These curves are obvious at the end of flat throws, but have little effect on angled throws.

Catching High Throws (Skying)
When you have figured out where the disc is going, go there. Going straight to the disc’s destination is quicker than getting underneath the disc and following its path. Allowing the disc to come to you gives you time to gather yourself for the jump.

Try to time it so you can jump up and catch the disc as soon as possible. This means jumping as high as you can. You can jump highest with a slow run-up. When you are about five metres from where you will jump, slow down. Wait for the disc to approach, then jog to your launch pad and jump.

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I’ve caught the disc- now what?
First, take a deep breath. You have at least ten seconds, so relax. Plant your pivot foot and get a good grip on the disc. If you are being forced to your left, get ready to throw a backhand. If you are forced right, hold the disc in a forehand grip. (Lefties, switch the rights and lefts around.) Look up the field and wait for a teammate to get open. Only throw when you think you will be able to make a catchable throw. If the stall count gets up to six, yell for help or call a timeout. If something goes wrong, don’t worry; you can always get it back on defence.

What is a pivot foot?
Maintaining a pivot foot means one of your feet has to stay rooted to one spot. You can pivot around that foot as much as you like, but it has to stay there like it was stuck in a leg-hold trap. Righties, use your left foot for a pivot; lefties, use your right foot. Read the section on throws to find out why.

What should I do when my team has the disc?
When a teammate has the disc, you should either be trying to get open for a pass (cutting) or staying out of the way. Most of the time, you will be staying out of the way. This is because there are seven people on your team and only one of you should cut at a time. You have to watch the disc and try to anticipate where your teammates will be running. If you see a chance to get open for a pass, go for it. Run as fast as you can until you either catch the disc or get the feeling you aren’t going to get passed to. If it looks like the thrower isn’t going to pass to you (they are looking the other way or telling you to get lost) run as fast as you can away from the thrower. This is called “clearing out”. It allows someone else to cut in.

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What do I do on defence?

Stay with your mark and don’t let them catch the disc. Go wherever they go and also try to keep an eye on the person with the disc. If a flying disc comes near you, try to catch it or knock it down. If your check catches the disc, put the force on them. That’s it.

When you are starting out, you can get away with pretty much anything. Drop all the passes you want- nobody’s going to care (too much). But there is one thing you must do: stay with your mark.

Run. If they are running away from you, focus on their back and run. If they faked you out and are going the other way, run after them. If your team turned it over and now your mark is gone, go get them. Don’t give up, that’s all your teammates ask of you.

You could jump around and try to get in their way… but that would just tire you out. They would probably just fake you out and throw around you. Instead, cut your losses and try to force them to throw to only one side of the field. This is called “forcing the thrower”.

Do this by standing slightly in front of and to one side of the thrower. Hold your hands out down low. Sure, this makes it easy for them to throw to the other side- but that’s the plan. Before the point began, everyone on your team agreed to force the throwers to a chosen side of the field. Since everyone on defence knows where the throws will be going, they know where the offence will want to run. If everybody sticks to the plan, defence is much easier.

The force is perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of defence. So what is the force? In short, it's a designated area of the field that you are letting your opponents throw to. Examine the diagram below and then read on.

First off, your team (on defence) must designate a "home" and "away" side, usually home is where you placed your bags and water.

Next, before you pull to the receiving team, your team will decide if you will force the opponents "home" or "away". In this example, the defense is forcing to the "home" side, so the "open" side is any part of the field to the right of the offensive player.

The crucial aspect of the force is the person marking the player with the disc. In the diagram above, the player is being forced to the "Open" side, this is shown by player 1 who is standing to the left of player 1. Things that are not obvious from this picture are that the defending player should have their arms and hands spread out to cover as much space as possible, therby making it more difficult to throw to the "Break" side (called "breaking" the force).

The next important ingredient to the force are the other defenders marking the rest of the players. Because you know where the player is being "forced" to throw, defenders can place themselves in this area to make it harder for offensive players to cut. In general, all defenders should be positioned in the "Open side" in between their opponent and the disc, the only exception is with the last defender (deepest or closest to the endzone), who should play a bit behind their opponent to cover any long throws.

Here are some of the forces your team could use and their purpose:
  • Force Middle: This force requires dividing the field into two equal sides (left and right). When the disc is on the right side you force left, when the disc is on the left side you force right. In the cases where the disc is in the middle, like off a pull, your team should just make a default force to avoid any confusions. Lastly, it's imperative that you call out the direction you are forcing every time you mark up. It's better to force the wrong way and have your teammates know, so always yell out the force. Forcing middle is a good way to confuse the offence, and can be very effective against vertical offence. On the other hand, forcing middle against a horizontal offence is usually not the wisest choice.
  • Force Line (Trap): Forcing in the direction of the line is usually done when the disc is near the sideline, although you can treat it as a reverse force middle and force sideline at all times. Forcing sideline is especially useful when the offence is near the endzone and close to the sideline. Often, teams will neglect the dump and swing approach and will try to throw into the small opening.
  • Force to a Particular Side: This is the most basic idea, as was discussed initially, force one direction so your defence can control the offensive flow.
  • Force Wind: Forcing wind is similar to forcing to one side, except you force the team to make the "harder" throw. That is, if the wind is blowing hard left to right, the defence can make it harder for the offence to throw by forcing them in the direction of the wind (left). The direction you chose to force is really dependant on the type of wind, sometimes throwing into the wind is easier, so it's not a golden rule to force into the wind.
  • Trap For One: Trapping is another word for forcing sideline when the disc is near the sideline. So, Trapping for One implies you force sideline until they get the throw off, and then you switch back to your original force. Trapping for One is often used in zones where you want to push the offence to the weak side (the side where the wind is blowing strongest). In a zone, this equates to giving the handlers the free throw to the weak side, and then switching the force and putting on a trap once the disc is on the sideline of the weak side.
  • Force (Straight) Up: Forcing up, or straight up, means you don't force to the flick or backhand side but stand perpedendicular to the sideline. This should cut off the hucks and force teams to make more modest gains by throwing shorter passes. Since the handler will have both sides to throw to it will be easier for the offensive cutters to get open, so the defence must adjust by "fronting" their checks. In most cases, forcing straight up is done on the first few passes to stop any huck plays, or in situations where the wind is blowing very strong.

How close can I stand to the thrower when I am forcing them?

Since ultimate is a non-contact sport, when you are forcing the thrower you have to give them some space. How much space? A flat disc should be able to fit between your bodies. This is known as a “disc space”.

How long is the thrower allowed to hold the disc?

In order to keep the game moving, the thrower is only allowed to hold the disc for ten seconds. However, somebody on defence has to be there to count these ten seconds out loud. If no one is counting, then the thrower can have the disc all day. If your mark has the disc, put the force on them and start counting. Say “Stall one…stall two…stall three…” up to stall ten. There should be a second between each stall. If you get up to ten and they still have the disc then yell “Down” and the disc now belongs to your team.

How to Prevent Your Mark from Getting the Disc

1) Know where your mark is. If you don’t, they’re probably gone.

2) Stand on your toes. Keep your feet moving. If your mark gets the jump on you, they’re halfway to being open. 3) Know where the force is. This will tell you where your mark is likely to cut.

4) Know where the disc is. This will tell you where the throw will be coming from.

5) Stay between your mark and the disc. Because you don’t want to turn your back on your mark, you’ll have to backpedal or stay right beside them. The thrower will think twice if you’re in the way. (See #6 for the exception.)

6) If your mark is last in the stack, stand behind him. This allows you to get the jump on any huck plays.

7) When outnumbered, mark the person closest to your endzone. If there has been a quick turnover or the other team has hucked it, your defence will often be outnumbered. You have to decide which person to mark.

It doesn’t matter who you were marking before. Ignore the person with the disc- they aren’t going anywhere. Go get the person who is closest to your endzone, they are the greatest threat.

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An Introduction to Throwing

Learning to throw a disc can be SUPERFRUSTRATING. This prevents many people from playing ultimate. But everyone has to go through the learning process and everyone sucks at the start. Let’s get you past that before you decide to quit.

There are three standard throws in ultimate: the backhand, the forehand (or flick), and the hammer. The backhand is the throw you’ve probably used on the beach. The forehand is that crazy flicky thing you might have seen someone throw. The hammer is the loopy upside-down throw.

When reading these instructions, it is helpful to have a disc in your hand. If you try the steps as you read them, they will make more sense. Then get outside and practice- the keys to learning are repetition and experimentation.

Lefties, the tyranny of the majority applies. Wherever you see the word “right”, substitute “left”.

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Ultimate in Ten Simple Rules  

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Steve Courlang and Neal Dambra

Copyright (c) Ultimate Players Association, 1993

  1. The Field -- A rectangular shape with endzones at each end. A regulation field is 70 yards by 40 yards, with endzones 25 yards deep.
  2. Initiate Play -- Each point begins with both teams lining up on the front of their respective endzone line. The defense throws ("pulls") the disc to the offense. A regulation game has seven players per team.
  3. Scoring -- Each time the offense completes a pass in the defense's endzone, the offense scores a point. Play is initiated after each score.
  4. Movement of the Disc -- The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the disc. The person with the disc ("thrower") has ten seconds to throw the disc. The defender guarding the thrower ("marker") counts out the stall count.
  5. Change of possession -- When a pass in not completed (e.g. out of bounds, drop, block, interception), the defense immediately takes possession of the disc and becomes the offense.
  6. Substitutions -- Players not in the game may replace players in the game after a score and during an injury timeout.
  7. Non-contact -- No physical contact is allowed between players. Picks and screens are also prohibited. A foul occurs when contact is made.
  8. Fouls -- When a player initiates contact on another player a foul occurs. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if the possession was retained. If the player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the play is redone.
  9. Self-Refereeing -- Players are responsible for their own foul and line calls. Players resolve their own disputes.
  10. Spirit of the Game -- Ultimate stresses sportsmanship and fair play. Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between players, adherence to the rules, and the basic joy of play.

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UPA Rules of Ultimate, Ninth Edition  

UPA Rules of Ultimate, Ninth Edition

Incorporating 1991, 1992, and 1995 Clarifications and Amendments

Copyright 1970 CHS

Copyright 1982, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1995 The Ultimate Players

Online version of 4 Mar 1996

Netscape required for proper section numbering

No set of rules can replace player's respect for one another and for
good spirit.

Table of Contents

About this Document

This document reflects the current rules of Ultimate. Passages whose
meaning has changed over the years are marked with a link indicating
the year of the change, as in ``[1992]''. Follow the link to see
the wording of the change, the prior wording, and additional
commentary that explains the rationale of the change (when available).

Thanks to Eric Simon, Kathy Pufahl, Scott Gurst, Frank Revi, Mark
Licata, Scott Gurst, Troy Frever, and Juha Jalovaara for compiling
the amendments and changes.

Originally posted by Eric Simon, <70540.1522@CompuServe.COM>, 10
Jun 1991.

Subsequently edited and re-formatted by Joseph A. Barcio II,
<>. This included addition of the
1991 Amendments and Changes after Section XIV.

Complete 1991 Amendments and Changes added by George Ferguson,
<>. 1992 Amendments and Changes added
by George Ferguson with the help of Troy Frever,

HTML version by George Ferguson, 3 Dec 1993.

1995 Clarifications and Amendments by Eric Simon. Added to HTML
document by George Ferguson, 8-11 Sep 1995. Contributions by Hilarie
Orman <>, 18 Sep 1995.

[Back to Table of Contents]


The purpose of the rules of Ultimate is to provide a guideline which
describes the way the game is played. It assumed that no Ultimate
player will intentionally violate the rules; thus there are no harsh
penalties for inadvertent infractions, but rather a method for
resuming play in a manner which simulates what would most likely have
occurred had there been no infraction.

In Ultimate, an intentional foul would be considered cheating and a
gross offense against the spirit of sportsmanship. Often a player is
in a position where it is clearly to the player's advantage to foul or
commit some violation, but that player is morally bound to abide by
the rules. The integrity of Ultimate depends on each player's
responsibility to uphold the spirit of the game, and this
responsibility should not be taken lightly.

[Back to Table of Contents]

I. Introduction

  1. Description
    Ultimate is a non-contact sport played by two seven player
    teams. The object of the game is to score goals. The disc may only
    be moved by passing as the thrower is not allowed to take any steps.
    Any time a pass is incomplete, intercepted, knocked-down, or contacts
    an out-of-bounds area, a turnover occurs, resulting in an immediate
    change of possession of the disc. A goal is scored when a player
    successfully passes the disc to a teammate in the endzone which that
    team is attacking.

  2. Spirit of the Game
    Ultimate has traditionally relied upon a spirit of sportsmanship
    which places the responsibility for fair play on the player. Highly
    competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of the bond
    of mutual respect between players, adherence to the agreed upon rules
    of the game, or the basic joy of play. Protection of these vital
    elements serves to eliminate adverse conduct from the Ultimate field.
    Such actions as taunting of opposing players, dangerous aggression,
    intentional fouling, or other "win-at-all-costs" behavior are
    contrary to the spirit of the game and must be avoided by all

  3. Captain's Clause
    A game may be played under any variations of the rules agreed
    upon by the captains of the two teams. In tournament play, such
    variations are subject to the approval of the tournament director.
    Such things as length of game, dimensions of the field, and stalling
    count can easily be altered to suit the level of play.

    [Back to Table of Contents]

    II. Clarifying Statements

    1. Phrases:

      1. A player is any of the fourteen (14)
        persons who are actually participating in the game at any one time.
      2. To put the disc into play means that
        the thrower establishes a pivot foot and is ready to throw. To put
        the disc into play at a particular point on the field means to
        place the pivot foot at that point on the field.
      3. Where the disc stops refers to the
        location where the disc is caught, comes to rest naturally, or
        where it is stopped from rolling or sliding.
      4. Throw-off position is the particular
        arrangement of positions (which end zone each team is defending)
        and possession (which team is to throw-off) in effect before a
      5. Ground Contact: All player contact
        with the ground directly related to a specific event or maneuver,
        including landing or recovery after being off-balance, e.g.,
        jumping, diving, leaning, or falling.
      6. Possession of the disc: Sustained
        contact with, and control of, the non-spinning disc.

        1. To catch a pass is equivalent to
          establishing possession of that pass.
        2. Loss of control due to ground contact
          related to a pass reception negates that receiver's possession up
          to that point.

    2. There are no scrimmage lines or off-sides
      (except on throw-offs) in Ultimate.

    3. The disc may be passed in any direction.

    4. A rolling or sliding disc may be stopped by any
      player, but it may not be purposefully advanced in any direction.
      Possession is gained where the disc stops.

    5. No defensive player may ever pick up the disc.

    [Back to Table of Contents]

    III. Field of Play

    1. The field of play is a rectangular
      area with dimensions as shown on the accompanying diagram.


      Endzone Playing Field Endzone
      40yds /Goal . Proper . /Goal
      Area Area


      The period (.) marks the Brick Rule Mark, 10 yds from Goal line.
      The plus sign (+) indicates the location of cones to be placed
      ON the boundary lines.

      A variation of this basic structure may be used to accomodate
      special competitions, number of players, age of players, available
      space, etc. Lined fields are not necessary for the purposes of
      practice or other non-formal games of Ultimate.

    2. The playing field may have any surface
      (although well trimmed grass is suggested) which is essentially
      flat, free of obstructions and holes, and affords reasonable player

    3. The playing field proper is the playing
      field excluding the endzones.

    4. The goal lines are the lines which
      separate the playing field proper from the endzones and are part of
      the playing field proper.

    5. The perimeter lines (sidelines and
      endlines) are not part of the playing fields.

    6. <>The corners of the playing field proper
      and the endzones are marked by cones made of a brightly colored,
      flexible material.

    7. An additional restraining line is
      established five (5) meters away from the entire field to ensure
      that the sidelines remain clear during play.

    8. All lines are marked with a non-caustic
      material and are between two and four inches wide (2"-4").

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      IV. Equipment

      1. Any flying disc may be used as long as it is
        acceptable to both team captains. If the captains cannot agree, the
        current Official Disc of the Ultimate Players Association shall be

      2. Individual players may wear any soft
        protective clothing as long as it does not endanger the safety of
        any other player.

      3. Cleats which have any metal exposed are not

      4. Each player must wear a uniform or other
        clothing that distinguishes that player from the players on the
        other team.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      V. Length of Game

      1. Time

        1. Each half lasts for twenty-four (24)
          minutes of stopped time.
        2. Each overtime period lasts for five (5)
          minutes of stopped time.
        3. The clock starts when:

          1. An offensive player gains possession of
            a throw-off and establishes a pivot foot;
          2. The marker touches the disc after a
          3. The thrower puts the
            disc into play
            after it has been out of bounds.

        4. The clock stops:

          1. After a goal;
          2. At the end of a period of play;
          3. For time-outs;
          4. For injuries;
          5. For fouls and
          6. When the disc contacts an
            out-of-bounds area.

      2. Points

        1. A goal is worth one (1) point.
        2. A game to points lasts until one team
          scores twenty-one (21) goals with a margin of victory of at least
          two (2) goals.
        3. A game with a score of twenty-to-twenty
          (20-20) goes into overtime, and play continues until a two-goal
          margin is achieved or one team scores twenty-five (25) goals.
        4. Halftime occurs when one team reaches
          eleven (11) goals.

      3. Halftime lasts for ten (10) minutes.

      4. At the end of the game, the team with the most
        goals is declared the winner.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      VI. Time-Outs

      1. Time-Out

        1. Each team is permitted two (2) time-outs
          per half in games to 17 or less, and three (3) time-outs per half
          in games to 18 or more. Each team is permitted exactly one (1)
          time-out in overtime. Overtime occurs when the score is tied at
          one point less than the number of points for which the game was
          originally scheduled. (Example: In a game to 19 points, overtime
          occurs when the score reaches 18-18.)
        2. Each time-out lasts up to two (2) minutes.
        3. The player calling the time-out must form
          a "T" with his/her hands and call "time-out" loudly.
        4. A time-out may be called by either team
          after a goal and before the ensuing accepted throw-off.
        5. During play, only a player who has
          established a pivot foot and who has possession of the disc can
          call a time-out.
        6. When play resumes after a time-out:

          1. The player who had possession
            puts the disc into play.
          2. The disc is put into
            at the location where the disc was when the time-out
            was called.
          3. Play is resumed through the use of a
            check and all other players may set up in
            any position on the field.

        7. It is a turnover if a player calls a
          time-out when his/her team no time-outs remaining. There is a
          check on the disc.

      2. Injury Time-Out

        1. Injury time-out can be called by any
          member of the injured player's team. The time-out call is in
          effect at the time of the injury. In other words, the call is
          retroactive to the time that the injury occurred. If the disc is
          in the air during the time-out call, the play is completed.
        2. Injury time-out results in a team
          time-out if the injured player does not leave the game. A "spirit
          of the game" exception is made when the injury is caused by an
          opposing player.
        3. When play resumes after an injury time-out:

          1. The player who had possession of the
            disc when the injury occurred puts the disc into play. If that
            player leaves the field due to injury, the replacing player puts
            the disc into play.
          2. If the disc was in the air at the time
            of the injury, play continues until the disc is caught or it
            contacts the ground. If the disc is caught, the player who
            caught the disc puts the disc into play after the injury
          3. The disc is put into play at the
            location where the disc was when play was stopped.
          4. The play is resumed through the use of
            a check and all players must assume their
            respective positions on the field when the time-out was called.
            Players may not set up when restarting play after an injury
            time-out, unless it is also a team time-out.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      VII. Substitutions

      1. Substitutions can be made only:

        1. After a goal and before the ensuing
          accepted throw-off.
        2. Before the beginning of a period of play;
        3. To replace an injured player(s).

      2. If a team replaces an injured player(s), the
        opposing team has the option of substituting a like number of, or
        fewer players.

      3. Substitutions other than injury substitutions
        cannot be made during a time-out taken
        during play.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      VIII. Starting and Restarting Play

      1. Before a game starts, each team designates
        one captain to represent that team in disagreements and

      2. Start of periods of play:

        1. Representatives of the two teams each
          flip a disc. The representative of one team calls "same" or
          "different" while the discs are in the air. The team winning the
          flip has the choice of:

          1. Receiving or throwing the initial
            throw-off; or
          2. Selecting which goal they wish to
            defend initially.

        2. The team losing the flip is given the
          remaining choice.
        3. The second half begins with an automatic
          reversal of the initial throw-off position.
        4. In a game to time, if overtime periods
          are needed, the disc flipping procedure is repeated for the first
          overtime period. The initial throw-off
          of subsequent overtime periods is the reverse of the
          throw-off position that started the previous
          overtime period.

      3. Throw Off

        1. Play starts at the beginning of each
          period of play and after each goal with a throw-off.
        2. Each time a goal is scored, the teams
          switch the direction of their attack and the team which scored
          throws off.
        3. Positioning prior to the throw-off:

          1. The players on the throwing team are
            free to move anywhere in their defending endzone, but may not
            cross the goal line until the disc is released.
          2. The players on the receiving team
            must stand with one foot on their defending goal line without
            changing position relative to one another.

        4. The throw-off may be made only after the
          thrower and a player on the receiving team raise a hand to signal
          that team's readiness to begin play.
        5. The throw-off consists of one player on
          the throwing team throwing the disc toward the opposite goal line
          to begin play.
        6. As soon as the disc is released, all
          players may move in any direction.
        7. No player on the throwing team may touch
          the throw-off in the air before it is touched by a member of the
          receiving team.
        8. If a member of the receiving team
          catches the throw-off on the playing field proper, that player
          must put the disc into play from the spot.
          If the throw-off is caught in either endzone, the player
          takes possession at that point, and puts the disc in play as
          described in Section X (ENDZONES).
          If the throw-off is caught out-of-bounds, it is put into play as
          described in Section IX.7 (OUT-OF-BOUNDS).
        9. If a member of the receiving team
          touches the disc during flight of the throw-off (whether in- or
          out-of-bounds) and the receiving team fails to catch it, the team
          which threw-off gains possession of the disc at the nearest point
          on the playing field proper. If a player
          drops the disc while carrying it to the point where the disc will
          be put into play, the team which threw-off gains possession of the
          disc at the nearest point on the playing field
        10. If the receiving team allows the
          throw-off to fall untouched to the ground, and the disc initially
          lands in-bounds, the receiving team gains possession of the disc
          where it stops. If the disc initially lands in-bounds, then goes
          out-of-bounds, the receiving team gains possession at the point on
          the playing field proper nearest to where the
          disc first went out-of-bounds.
        11. If the throw-off lands out-of-bounds,
          the receiving team, before touching the disc, makes a choice of:

          1. Putting the disc into play at the
            nearest point on the playing field proper
            to where the disc crossed the perimeter line.
          2. Requesting a re-throw. To request a
            re-throw, any member of the receiving team must fully extend one
            hand above the head and call "Over." Once this re-throw signal
            is given, that throw-off can no longer be put into play.
          3. Invoking the Middle/Brick Rule. If
            the throw-off lands outside the field of play, the receiving
            team may choose to put the disc into play at the halfway between
            the two sidelines either at the point where the disc went
            out-of-bounds or at a point 10 yards upfield from the goal line
            they are defending. To invoke the "middle/brick rule," the
            member of the receiving team who is going to receive the
            throw-off shall fully extend one hand above his/her head and
            call "middle" or "brick". The player must let the disc hit the
            ground. On such a call, the offensive player may use a "self check,"
            meaning he/she picks up the disc and the nearest defensive
            player says "in play." If the nearest player does not
            immediately say "in play," the offensive player may touch the
            disc to the ground and yell "disc in play."


      4. The Check

        1. When play stops, the player who was in
          possession retains possession.
        2. All players must come to a stop as
          quickly as possible when play is halted, and remain in their
          respective locations until play is restarted.
        3. The marker restarts play by touching the
          disc in possession of the thrower. If the thrower attempts a pass
          before the marker touches the disc, the pass does not count
          regardless of whether it is complete or incomplete, and possession
          reverts back to the thrower.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      IX. Out-of-Bounds

      1. Any area not on the playing field is
        out-of-bounds. The perimeter lines themselves are out-of-bounds.

      2. A disc is out-of-bounds when it first contacts
        an out-of-bounds area or contacts anything out-of-bounds.

      3. The disc may fly outside a perimeter line and
        return to the playing field, and defensive players may go
        out-of-bounds in order to make a play on the disc.

      4. A player is out-of-bounds when s/he is
        contacting an out-of-bounds area. When a player is in the air,
        his/her in or out-of-bounds is determined by where the ground was
        last contacted by the player.

      5. For a receiver to be considered in bounds
        after gaining possession of the disc, the first point of contact
        with the ground must be completely in-bounds. If any portion of the
        first point of contact is out-of-bounds, the player is considered

      6. Should the momentum of a player carry him/her
        out-of-bounds after making a catch and landing in-bounds, the player
        is considered in-bounds. The player carries the disc to the point
        where s/he went out-of-bounds and puts the disc
        into play
        at that point.

      7. To start or restart play after the disc has
        gone out-of-bounds, a member of the team gaining possession of the
        disc must carry the disc to the point of the playing
        field proper
        nearest where the disc last crossed the perimeter
        line, and put the disc into play at that

      8. The thrower may pivot in- and out-of-bounds,
        providing that some part of the pivot foot contacts the playing

      9. If a pass does not come in bounds the opposing
        team gains possession of the disc where it left the field of play
        only if the defense did not contact the disc. If the defense
        contacted the disc, the disc must be put into play at the point on
        the playing field proper closest to where the
        contact occurred.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      X. Endzones

      1. If a team gains possession in the endzone which
        it is defending:

        1. The player taking possession must make the
          immediate decision to either:

          1. Put the disc into
            from that spot, or
          2. Carry it directly to the closest point
            on the goal line and put it into play
            from there. If this option is chosen, the player taking
            possession commits the player to put the disc into play at that

        2. To fake or pause after gaining possession
          commits the player to put the disc into play
          at that point.

      2. If, as a result of a pass from a teammate, a
        player receives the disc in the endzone which they are defending,
        that player does not have a choice of advancing the disc to the goal

      3. If a team gains possession in the endzone which
        it is attacking, the player taking possession must carry the disc
        directly to the closest point on the goal line and
        put the disc into play from there.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      XI. Scoring

      1. A goal is scored when an offensive player
        completes a pass to a teammate in the endzone which his/her team is

      2. In order for the receiver to be considered in
        the endzone after gaining possession of the disc, his/her first
        point of contact with the ground must be completely in the endzone.

      3. A player cannot score by running into the
        endzone with the disc. Should a receiver's momentum carry him/her
        into the endzone after gaining possession, the receiver must carry
        the disc back to the closest point on the goal line and
        put the disc into play from there.

      4. A player must be completely in the endzone and
        acknowledge that s/he has scored a goal. If that player plays the
        disc unknowingly into a turnover, then no goal is awarded.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      XII. Turnovers

      1. An incomplete, intercepted, knocked down, or
        out-of-bounds pass results in a loss of

      2. A pass is considered intercepted if a
        defensive player catches a pass. If a defensive player catches a
        pass and accidentally loses possession of it before or during ground
        contact related to that catch (II.1.F.b), the
        defender is considered to have blocked rather than intercepted the

      3. The following actions result in a loss of
        possession and a check:

        1. If the marker's
          reaches the maximum number;
        2. If the disc is handed from player to
        3. If the thrower intentionally deflects a
          pass to him/herself off another player;
        4. If the thrower catches his/her own
          throw. However, if the disc is touched by another player during
          its flight it is considered a complete pass and is not a turnover.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      XIII. The Thrower

      1. The thrower is the offensive player in
        possession of the disc, or the player who has just released the disc.

      2. If the disc is on the ground, whether in- or
        out-of-bounds, any member of the team becoming offense may take
        possession of the disc. Once an offensive player has picked up the
        disc, that player is required to put the disc into

      3. The thrower must establish a pivot foot and
        may not change that pivot foot until the throw is released except in
        the case where the thrower has just received a pass and is
        throwing before the third ground contact in accordance with

      4. The thrower has the right to pivot in any
        direction. However, once the marker has established a legal
        defensive position, the thrower may not pivot into the marker.

      5. If the disc is dropped by the thrower
        without defensive interference, it is considered an incomplete pass.

      6. The thrower may throw the disc in any way
        s/he wishes.

      7. A defensive player who establishes
        possession of the disc becomes the thrower, but may not throw the
        disc before s/he establishes a legal pivot foot. To do so is a
        travelling violation.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      XIV. The Marker

      1. Only one defensive player may guard the
        thrower at any one time; that player is the marker.

      2. The marker may not straddle (i.e., place
        his/her foot on either side of) the pivot foot of the thrower.

      3. There must be at least one disc's diameter
        between the upper bodies of the thrower and the marker at all times.
        It is the mutual responsibility of both players to respect each
        other's position and not encroach into this area once it is

      4. The marker cannot position his/her arms in
        such a manner as to restrict the thrower from pivoting.

      5. Stalling:

        1. A defensive player within three (3)
          meters of the pivot foot of the thrower may initiate a stall
          count. If an offensive player moving into the throwing position
          "stands over the disc" (i.e., within three meters) without putting
          the disc into play, the marker may issue a "Delay of Game"
          warning. If the disc is not picked up, the marker may initiate a
          stall count.
        2. The count consists of the marker calling
          "Stalling" or "Counting" and counting at one second intervals from
          one to ten (1, 10) loudly enough for the thrower to hear.
        3. If the thrower has not released the disc
          at the first utterance of the word "ten" ("10"), a
          turnover and a check result.
        4. If the defense decides to switch markers;
          and if the new marker wishes to initiate a stalling count, s/he
          must start again from "one" ("1").
        5. In the event of a stall, the once marker,
          now offensive player, does not have to take the disc after the
          check. The once thrower, now marker, checks
          the disc to the new thrower, if s/he does not want the disc, the
          marker "checks" the disc by placing it on the ground and calling
          "in play."
        6. The thrower may contest a stall
          call if s/he feels that s/he had released the disc before the
          first utterance of the word "ten".

          1. In the event of a contested stall, if
            the pass is completed, play stops, and possession reverts back
            to the thrower. After a check, the marker
            starts the stall count at eight (8).
          2. In the event of a contested stall, if
            the pass is incomplete, it is a turnover, and play continues
            without interruption.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      XV. The Receiver

      1. The receiver is any offensive player either in
        the act of catching the disc, or not in possession of the disc.

      2. Bobbling to gain control of the disc is
        permitted, but purposeful, controlled bobbling to oneself (i.e.,
        tipping, delaying, guiding, or brushing) in order to advance the
        disc is considered travelling and is not

      3. There is NO rule XV.3! (With
        apologies to Monty Python, it was deleted in 1995.)

      4. After catching a pass, the receiver is only
        allowed the fewest number of steps required to come to a stop and
        establish a pivot foot.

      5. If the receiver is running or jumping as s/he
        catches the disc, the receiver may throw a pass before the third ground
        contact after catching the disc without coming to a complete stop;
        however, change in direction or increase in speed while
        in possession of the disc is a travelling violation.

      6. If the disc is caught simultaneously by
        offensive and defensive players, the offense retains possession.

      7. If a pass arrives in such a manner that it is
        unclear whether a catch was made before the disc contacted the
        ground (grass is considered part of the ground), the player(s) with
        the best perspective makes the call (usually the receiver).

      8. If it is ever unclear where a receiver was in- or
        out-of-bounds at the point of making a catch, the
        player(s) with the best perspective makes the call.

      9. Force-Out Foul: If an airborne receiver
        catches the disc, and is contacted by a defensive player before
        landing, and that contact caused the receiver to land out-of-bounds
        instead of landing in-bounds, the receiver must either call
        him/herself out-of-bounds, or call a force-out foul on the
        defensive player. If this foul occurs in the end zone and it is
        uncontested, a goal is awarded.

      10. There is NO rule XV.10
        (It was also deleted in 1995.)

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      XVI. Fouls

      1. Fouls are the result of physical contact
        between opposing players. A foul can only be called by the player
        who has been fouled and must be announced by calling out the word
        "Foul!" loudly immediately after the foul has occurred.

      2. The player initiating contact is guilty of a

      3. Throwing Fouls:

        1. A throwing foul may be called when there
          is contact between the thrower and the marker.
        2. Contact occurring during the follow
          through (after the disc has been released) is not sufficient
          grounds for a foul, but should still be avoided whenever possible.
        3. When a foul is committed by a thrower or
          the marker, play stops and possession reverts back to the thrower
          after a check.
        4. If the thrower is fouled in the act of
          throwing and the pass is completed, the foul is automatically
          declined and play continues without interruption.
        5. If the marker is fouled in the act of
          throwing and the pass is not completed, play continues without

      4. Catching Fouls:

        1. A catching foul may be called when there
          is contact between opposing players in the process of attempting a
          catch, interception, or knock down. A certain amount of incidental
          contact during or immediately after the catching attempt is often
          unavoidable and is not a foul.
        2. If a player contacts an opponent before
          the disc arrives and thereby interferes with that opponent's
          attempt to make a play on the disc, that player has committed a foul.
        3. If a player's attempt to make a play on
          the disc causes significant impact with a legitimately positioned
          stationary opponent, before or after the disc arrives, it is
          considered "harmful endangerment" and is a foul.
        4. Dangerous, aggressive behavior or
          reckless disregard for the safety of fellow players is always a foul.
        5. If a catching foul occurs and is
          uncontested, the player fouled gains possession at the point of
          the infraction. If the call is disputed, the disc goes back to
          the thrower. If an uncontested foul (with the exception of a
          force-out foul [XV.9]) occurs in the end
          zone, the player fouled gains possession at the closest point on
          the goal line to the infraction.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      XVII. Violations

      1. A violation occurs when a player violates
        the rules in a manner which does not result in physical contact.
        (e.g. illegal guarding position by the marker, not establishing a
        pivot foot on the sideline after carrying the disc in from
        out-of-bounds, etc.)

      2. A violation may be called by any player who
        recognizes that a violation has occurred. The player must immediately
        call "violation" or the name of the specific violation loudly.

      3. Travelling:

        1. The thrower must keep all or part of the
          pivot foot in contact with a single spot on the field. Should the
          thrower lose contact with that spot, the thrower has traveled.
        2. If the receiver obviously takes more
          steps than are required to stop after catching a pass, that player
          has traveled.
        3. If a receiver, after receiving a pass
          on the run, releases a pass after the third ground contact and
          before coming to a complete stop, that receiver has traveled.

      4. Strip:

        1. No defensive player may touch the disc
          while it is in possession of the thrower or receiver. If a
          defensive player does so, the player in possession calls "Strip."
        2. The player in possession then picks up
          the disc and play continues unhalted from the point where s/he
          regained possession.
        3. If a count was in progress as the disc
          was stripped, the count is halted, and when the player in
          possession regains possession, the count restarts at zero (0).
        4. A contested strip of the receiver is
          treated the same as a contested foul; an uncontested strip in the
          end zone is a goal.

      5. Double-Team:

        1. Only one marker is permitted to guard
          the thrower.
        2. No other defensive player may establish
          a position within three(3) meters of the pivot foot of the
          thrower, unless s/he is guarding another offensive player in that area.
        3. Should the thrower recognize a
          double-team situation, s/he first calls "Double-Team" as a
          warning. On the first "Double-Team" call, the marker must subtract
          2 from the stall count. If "double-team" is called again within
          the same 10 seconds, play stops and is resumed after a
          check with the count reset to zero (0).

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      XVIII. Positioning

      1. It is the responsibility of all players to
        avoid contact in any way possible. Violent impact with legitimately
        positioned opponents constitutes harmful endangerment, a foul, and
        must be strictly avoided.

      2. Every player (excluding the thrower) is
        entitled to occupy any position on the field not occupied by any
        opposing player, provided that s/he does not cause personal contact
        in taking such a position.

      3. Picks:

        1. No player may establish a position, or
          move in such a manner, so as to obstruct the movement of any
          player on the opposing team; to do so is a "pick".
        2. In the event of a pick, the obstructed
          player must immediately call "Pick" loudly; play stops and is
          resumed after a check, unless the
          continuation rule [XIX.2] applies.

      4. When the disc is in the air, players must
        play the disc, not the opponent.

      5. The Principle of Verticality: All players
        have the right to the space immediately above them. Thus, a player
        cannot prevent an opponent from making an attempt on a pass by
        placing his/her arms above an opponent. Should contact occur, the
        player restricting the vertical area is responsible.

      6. A player who jumped is entitled to land at
        the same spot without hindrance by opponents. S/he may also land at
        the another spot provided the landing spot was not already occupied
        at the time of take-off and that the direct path between the
        take-off and landing spot was not already occupied.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      XIX. Clarifying Statements on Fouls, Violations and

      1. Cardinal Rule:

        Whenever an infringement of the rules or a time out occur, play
        is halted and the disc is put back into play at the point of the
        last possession before play was stopped. (Note exceptions under
        Turnovers (XII.4) and Catching Fouls

      2. Continuation Rule:

        1. Disc In the Air

          1. If a foul, violation, or pick is
            called while the disc is in the air, the play is always completed.
          2. If the team which called the foul,
            violation, or pick gains possession as a result of that pass
            (e.g., an incomplete pass following a travelling violation, or
            offensive foul), play continues unhalted. In this situation,
            players should call "play on."
          3. If the pass is completed, but the
            defensive effort on the pass was affected by the violation (e.g.
            picks), the pass does not count and possession reverts back to
            the thrower.

        2. Disc Not in the Air

          1. If a foul, violation, or pick is
            called while the disc is not in the air, and a player attempts a
            pass before play has stopped, and the pass is incomplete, it is
            a turnover.
          2. If a foul, violation, or pick is
            called while the disc is not in the air, and a player attempts a
            pass before play has stopped, and the pass is completed, the
            pass does not count, and possession reverts back to the original

        3. It is the responsibility of the player
          who made the call to call out "Play on" to indicate that this rule
          has been invoked.

      3. If there is ever a failure to come to an
        agreement over any call, the disc reverts back to the thrower after a

      4. If offsetting catching fouls are called by
        offensive and defensive players on the same play, the disc reverts
        back to the thrower after a check.

      5. Any time the marker's count is interrupted by
        the call of a foul, violation, pick, or time-out, the count is
        resumed as follows:

        Defensive Foul Uncontested . . . 0
        Defensive Foul Contested . . . . same or 5 if over 5
        Offensive Foul . . . . . . . . . same
        Travel or Pick . . . . . . . . . same or 5 if over 5
        Strip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
        Fast Count / Double Team
        - First Call . . . . . . . . . subtract 2; no check
        - Second Call . . . . . . . . . 0
        Time Out . . . . . . . . . . . . same
        Contested Stall. . . . . . . . . 8

      6. When play resumes after a time-out, the stall
        count is continued from where it was when time-out was called. The
        marker must initiate the count by calling "Stalling" or "Counting".

      7. If the marker counts too fast, the thrower
        may call "fast count."

        1. The first "fast count" call is a warning.
          On the first "fast count" call, the marker must subtract 2 from
          the stall count.
        2. If "fast count" is called again within
          the same 10 seconds, play stops and is resumed after a
          check with the count reset to zero (0).
        3. The continuation rule
          [XIX.2] applies to fast counts.
        4. If the fast count occurs in such a manner
          that the thrower does not have a reasonable opportunity to call
          "fast count" before the utterance of the word "ten," the play is
          treated the same as a contested stall [XIV.5(F)].

      8. Should a foul or violation result in
        possession reverting to a thrower who was airborne while releasing
        the disc, play shall be restarted at the point on the
        playing field proper closest to the location
        from which the throw was made.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      A. Observers

      1. Before the game, the captains may decide to
        select up to six (6) experienced non-players to act as Observers. In
        this role, their job is to carefully watch the action of the game.
        They do not actively call any fouls, violations, picks, or line calls.

      2. When a dispute arises concerning a foul,
        violation, pick, line call, or an interpretation of the rules which
        cannot be resolved by the captains to make the call,

        1. The observer with the best view of the play
          makes the call. If the observers so choose, they may discuss the
          play among themselves before rendering a decision.
        2. By calling in the observers, the teams
          agree to abide by the observers decision.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      B. Etiquette

      1. If a foul is committed and not called, the
        player who commits the foul should inform the infracted player of
        the foul.

      2. It is the responsibility of both teams to
        minimize the time taken between each goal and the ensuing throw-off.

      3. If the receiving team wishes to have an
        out-of-bounds throw-off re-thrown, they should give the re-throw
        signal as soon as possible.

      4. It is a violation against the spirit of the
        game for a defensive player to call for a pass from the thrower.

      5. Should a dispute or confusion arise on the
        field, it should be common practice to stop play, and resume play
        with a check when the matter is resolved.

      6. In the case where a novice player commits a
        violation out of sincere ignorance of rules, it is common practice
        to stop play and explain the violation.

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      C. Historical Record of Clarifications and Amendments

      This section describes the various Clarifications and Amendments that
      have been made to the rules over the years. Note that these changes
      have already been included in the rules as presented in this
      document. They are listed here together with clarifying commentary
      for those who are interested in how and why the rules have changed.
      Additions are shown in bold, deletions are marked with
      [square brackets], and clarifying comments are in italics.
      Follow the [GO] link
      to jump to the affected rule.

      1995 Clarifications and Amendments


      1. Phrases:

        1. Ground Contact:
          All player contact with the ground directly
          related to a specific event or maneuver, including landing or
          recovery after being off-balance, e.g., jumping, diving, leaning,or
        2. Possession of the disc:
          Sustained contact with, and control of, the non-spinning disc.

          1. To catch a pass is equivalent to establishing possession of that pass
          2. Loss of control due to ground contact related to a pass
            reception negates that receiver's possession up to that point.

      (These added definitions add a great deal of clarity within
      the rules, much of which will be explained below. Among
      other things, it enables us to get rid of XV.10, see below. It
      also defines a "catch" for the first time, and makes that
      definition (by adding the worlds "and control of") closer to
      the ordinary usage of the word. Without this clause, a
      person on the ground who is unaware of the disc resting on
      his/her back, to cite an extreme example, would be in
      possession of the disc. No longer.)


      1. Time-out

        1. During play, only [the person with] a player who
          has established a pivot foot and who has
          possession of the
          disc can call a time-out.

      (This makes it clear that a person executing "the greatest,"
      i.e., a person who jumps up catches the disc, and throws it
      before s/he lands, can not call a time out while in mid-air.)

        1. When play resumes after a

          1. The player who had possession puts the disc into play.
          2. The disc is put into play at the location where
            the disc was when the time-out was called. [If the disc
            was out-of-bounds when the time-out was called, the
            disc is put into play at the point on the playing field
            proper nearest to where the disc went out-of-bounds. If
            the disc was in the end zone when the time-out was
            called, the disc is put into play at the point in the end
            zone where the time out was called.]

      (Between the new clarification that you need a new pivot foot
      to put the disc into play, and a clarification in section XIX,
      this rule is not needed. In any event, a player now needs to
      have a pivot foot when s/he calls a time-out, and so it can
      not be called from out of bounds.)


      1. Throw-offs:

        1. If a member of the receiving team catches the
          throw-off on the playing field proper, that player must
          put the disc into play from that spot. If the throw-off is
          caught in either endzone, the player takes possession at
          that point, and puts the disc in play as described in
          section X (ENDZONES). If the throw-off is caught
          out-of-bounds, it is put into play as described in section
          IX.7 (OUT-OF-BOUNDS).


      (The rules do not currently state what happens when a
      player, who is not standing on the playing field proper,
      catches the throw-off. This addition codifies the way we all
      already play.)


      1. To start or restart play after the disc has gone
        out-of-bounds, a member of the team gaining possession of
        the disc must carry the disc to the point on the playing field
        proper nearest where the disc [went out of bounds] last crossed
        the perimeter line
        , and put the disc into play at that point.

      (This amendment is technical in nature, and makes the
      wording more accurate as to how the game is currently


      1. A pass is considered intercepted if a defensive player
        catches a pass. If a defensive player catches a pass and
        accidentally loses possession of it before or during ground
        contact related to that catch (II.1.F.b), the defender is
        considered to have blocked rather than intercepted the pass.

      (This change clarifies what happens when a player intercepts
      the disc and accidentally drops it when (or before) s/he hits
      the ground. In such an instance, the disc goes to the
      defender's team, and the play is considered as though it were
      a block. This is the way we already play, although the rules
      were not clear. The definitions added in section II also come
      into play here.)


      1. The thrower must establish a pivot foot and may not
        change that pivot foot until the throw is released, except in
        the case where the thrower has just received a pass and is
        throwing before the third ground contact in accordance with


      (This FINALLY clears up the long standing contradiction
      between XV.5 -- the third ground contact rule -- and the fact
      that this rule requires a pivot foot in order to throw. We
      simply make an explicit exception in that case. It also makes
      clear that "the greatest" is legal.)

      1. A defensive player who establishes possession of the
        disc becomes the thrower, but may not throw the disc before
        s/he establishes a legal pivot foot. To do so is a travelling


      (And this section finally defines when a defensive person
      becomes an offensive person. It also makes clear that the
      "third ground contact rule" does not apply to a defensive
      person--s/he must have a pivot foot. Additionally, a
      "defensive greatest" would be a travelling violation.)


      1. [The receiver gains possession by demonstrating
        sustained contact with a non-spinning disc.]

      (This section is not needed anymore, because of our new
      definitions in section II.)

      1. If the receiver is running or jumping as s/he catches the
        disc, the receiver may throw a pass before the third ground
        contact after catching the disc without coming to a complete
        stop; however, change in direction or increase in speed while
        in possession of the disc is a travelling violation

      (This makes more clear the conditions under which an
      offensive player does not have to establish a pivot foot
      without travelling, and also makes it clear that "the greatest"
      is a legal play.)

      1. [First ground contact determines possession. The ground
        can cause an incomplete pass, resulting in a turnover.]

      (We have finally deleted what is probably the worst written
      rule in Ultimate. The problem is not only that no one plays
      that way, but the two sentences themselves contradict each
      other. Suppose a receiver lays out in the endzone, catches
      the disc, smashes to the ground, and drops it. Everyone
      plays that as a turnover. And, in fact, the second sentence
      in this clause says it's a turnover, but the first sentence
      above says that receiver has possession. Not only that, but
      the first sentence contradicts the old XV.3 rule which says
      that possession is determined by sustained contact with a
      non-spinning disc. With our new definitions in section II, we
      can get rid of this.)


      1. Should a foul or violation result in possession reverting
        to a thrower who was airborne while releasing the disc, play
        shall be restarted at the point on the playing field proper
        closest to the location from which the throw was made.


      (This answers the question of where to start play when a
      player making "the greatest", leaps out of bounds, and
      because of a foul, gets the disc back and must restart play.)

      [Back to Table of Contents]

      1992 Amendments and Changes


      1. Phrases:

        1. To "put the disc into play" means that
          the thrower establishes a pivot foot and is ready to throw. To put
          the disc into play at a particular point on the field means to
          place the pivot foot at that point on the field.


        2. "Throw-off position" is the
          particular arrangement of positions (which end zone each team is
          defending) and possession (which team is to throw-off) in effect
          before a throw-off.


      VIII. Starting and Restarting Play

      1. Start of periods of play:

        1. Representatives of the two teams each flip a disc. The
          representative of one team calls "same" or "different" while the
          discs are in the air. The team winning the flip has the choice of:

        2. The second half begins with an automatic reversal of the
          initial throw-off position.

        3. In a game to time, if overtime periods are needed, the disc
          flipping procedure is repeated for the first overtime period. The
          initial throw-off position of subsequent overtime periods is the
          reverse of the throw-off position that started the previous
          overtime period.


      2. Throw Off

        1. If the throw-off lands out-of-bounds, the receiving team,
          before touching the disc, makes a choice of:

          1. Invoking the Middle/Brick Rule. If the throw-off lands
            outside the field of play, the receiving team may choose to put
            the disc into play at the halfway between the two sidelines
            either at the point where the disc went out-of-bounds or at a
            point 10 yards upfield from the goal line they are defending.

            To invoke the "middle/brick rule," the member of the
            receiving team who is going to receive the throw-off shall fully
            extend one hand above his/her head and call "middle" or
            The player must let the disc hit the ground. On
            such a call, the offensive player may use a "self check,"
            meaning he/she picks up the disc and the nearest defensive
            player says "in play." If the nearest player does not
            immediately say "in play," the offensive player may touch the
            disc to the ground and yell "disc in play."

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