
Friday, July 25, 2008

I’ve caught the disc- now what?
First, take a deep breath. You have at least ten seconds, so relax. Plant your pivot foot and get a good grip on the disc. If you are being forced to your left, get ready to throw a backhand. If you are forced right, hold the disc in a forehand grip. (Lefties, switch the rights and lefts around.) Look up the field and wait for a teammate to get open. Only throw when you think you will be able to make a catchable throw. If the stall count gets up to six, yell for help or call a timeout. If something goes wrong, don’t worry; you can always get it back on defence.

What is a pivot foot?
Maintaining a pivot foot means one of your feet has to stay rooted to one spot. You can pivot around that foot as much as you like, but it has to stay there like it was stuck in a leg-hold trap. Righties, use your left foot for a pivot; lefties, use your right foot. Read the section on throws to find out why.

What should I do when my team has the disc?
When a teammate has the disc, you should either be trying to get open for a pass (cutting) or staying out of the way. Most of the time, you will be staying out of the way. This is because there are seven people on your team and only one of you should cut at a time. You have to watch the disc and try to anticipate where your teammates will be running. If you see a chance to get open for a pass, go for it. Run as fast as you can until you either catch the disc or get the feeling you aren’t going to get passed to. If it looks like the thrower isn’t going to pass to you (they are looking the other way or telling you to get lost) run as fast as you can away from the thrower. This is called “clearing out”. It allows someone else to cut in.

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