
Friday, July 25, 2008

Good Catching Habits
1)Use two hands. Get your hands on either side of the disc and smack them together like a trap.

Side View of Pancake Catch

Bottom View of Pancake Catch

2)Keep your eyes on the disc. (Keep your eyes open.) See how it is spinning and get a sense of its speed. Watch it come into your hands. Watch your hands squeeze it.
3)Think positive. As the disc comes to you, visualize yourself catching it. Feel confident.
4)Come to the disc. Keep running towards the disc until it is in your hands. Otherwise the defence will jump in front of you and steal it.

Catching Hammers
Hammers are a special case because they fly upside down and in a looping path. The way to get good at catching hammers is to practice catching hammers. Catch high loopy ones, low straight ones, wild ones, short ones, long ones… When you can anticipate where a hammer is going, you will have a better chance of catching it.

When catching upside down throws, adjust your hand to the position of the disc. If you have to use one hand, put it out palm-up. When the disc floats onto your palm, lock your thumb down over the rim.

This does not apply to situations where the disc is above your head. It is much easier to catch high throws with your palm facing down.

Reading the Disc
When someone puts up a high and/or long throw, catching it requires the receiver to figure out where the disc is going. This is called reading the disc.
If you see a huck or a floating hammer, run to where you think the disc is going. Where it goes depends on the velocity of the disc, its angle in the air, and what type of throw it is.
The first thing to read is the velocity of the disc. This will give you a general idea of where the disc is going. You will know if you have to sprint or can go at a more leisurely pace.
While you are running, take a look at the angle of the disc. If it is angled, then run to the side that it is dipping towards. The disc will curve most severely when it is angled at 45 degrees. Steeper than this, and the disc will slice towards the ground without too much of a curve. Flatter than this, and the curve will be influenced by the direction of the disc’s spin.

Because forehands and backhands spin in opposite directions, the next thing you should know is the type of throw. Forehands curve to the right as they slow. Backhands curve to the left. These curves are obvious at the end of flat throws, but have little effect on angled throws.

Catching High Throws (Skying)
When you have figured out where the disc is going, go there. Going straight to the disc’s destination is quicker than getting underneath the disc and following its path. Allowing the disc to come to you gives you time to gather yourself for the jump.

Try to time it so you can jump up and catch the disc as soon as possible. This means jumping as high as you can. You can jump highest with a slow run-up. When you are about five metres from where you will jump, slow down. Wait for the disc to approach, then jog to your launch pad and jump.

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