
Friday, July 25, 2008

Watch what is happening in front of you. If someone else is cutting, don’t cut. Look behind you. If someone else is cutting, don’t cut. If the coast is clear, go for it.

Of course, if everyone does this and sees that no one is cutting, they will all cut at once. If you think you have the best opportunity, keep going. If a teammate has a better cut, pull out.

Avoid the herd instinct. Cutting is like buying stocks: if you can figure out what will happen next before anyone else does, you’ve got it made.

Watch what is happening. If you see someone else cut, evaluate their chances of getting the disc. If you think they won’t get it, stay put and wait for them to clear out.

If you think they will get the disc, cut to where they will want to throw. Time the cut so you are open after they have caught the disc and are ready to throw. If you can predict the future, no one, not your teammates, not the defence- no one -will get in your way.

Where to Cut: Five Good Cuts to Make

1) Simple, Short Cuts
Run at your defender, fake one way, then run the other way.

This will usually work if you do three things. First, fake hard. Take a hard step in the fake direction. Step like you are going to run so hard that way that the defender is going to look silly if they don’t catch up.

Second, turn hard. After you plant that foot on the fake, use all of your muscles to tear yourself in the opposite direction.

Third, run fast. Run as fast as you can in a straight line to a spot where the thrower can easily hit you. If you don’t get the disc, run as fast as you can to the back of the stack.

This works best if you fake to the break-force side then run to the open side.

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